Sunday, July 06, 2008

SIEMENS RUN , 6/7/08

The Siemens Run was fantastic this morning.

The organiser has spend so much to create a such a fantastic atmosphere.
Victoria Instuition School Band drummers started the run at 7.30 am ., and at 9.30am, they entertained the crowd with their skills.

Siemens also organise small groups like : a group of horror dressed costumes, another group of clowns, cheerleaders which positioned themselves 2 kms before the finishing line.

It certainly motivated me to run faster , and other runners too.

They brought it the slide for the children and I saw a watertank for some dudes to sit and get others to hit the lever that drops the dude into the water ! Cool .

I remembered the last run similiar like this was my Trengganu Bridge Run many years ago where they position a school band at the half way mark and another school band to welcome at the finishing.

I wish that Siemens will do it again next year.

Note: a) Ipoh International Run was also held today too.
b) The organiser has cancelled the Jacobs Walk of Life at shah alam for safety because there are news that there will be event to protest the fuel increase.

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