Saturday, September 29, 2007

Relays- during Puasa month

Last week at Lake Gardens, I took part in the relay organised by the PaceMakers - 4 runners : Lee , Albert, Naidu and Peter were the official runners whereas I was the reserve.

I decided to run along with Peter. It was tough , hilly and because of the short distance,
everyone race theirs hearts out!
The good ones doing 7++ t0 10min ++....... I managed 13++ no big deal - lah, running is fun-ma.. Distance: 2.65km...
I think I was the only " Reserved " who ran. Perhaps, the organiser can request those " Reserved " whoever is present to run for the fun.

Metropolitan Park - relay on tomorrow 30/9
KLAVA club is having the 3 runners per team relay at Metropolitan park, KL. ( along the highway when going to FRIM ).

Everyone need to eat, so, as Runners, we need to run ! run ! run !
When there are no major race, the Running clubs are organising Small events like the Pacesetters Track Meet, Pacemaker relay last week, and tomorrow KLAVA RELAY.

A big thank you to them.

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